BoD Meeting

Date: 06/25/2007

Time: 7:06 PM – 9:36 PM

Place: Nazareth Church

Meeting called by: BoD Type of meeting: Open Quarterly Meeting
Facilitator: Lindsey Sturkie Note taker: Patrick Hedgepath
Timekeeper: Patrick Hedgepath Attendees: Patrick Hedgepath, Chad Keller, Lindsey Sturkie, Jane Sufka, Randall Mungo


Agenda item: Meeting called to order
Presenter: Lindsey Sturkie
Motion made by:  
Motion second by:  
Action items:
  • The meeting was called to order.
  • Person responsible: Lindsey Sturkie
    Agenda item: Previous Minutes
    Presenter: Patrick Hedgepath
    Discussion: Patrick Hedgepath read the minutes from the previous meeting. Joe Alexander began asking questions about previous meetings minutes pertaining to retention ponds, budgets, income, and voting on minutes. Steve Acuff also asked about voting on minutes from a meeting that homeowners did not attend.
    Motion made by:  
    Motion second by:  
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    Agenda item: Retention Ponds
    Presenter: Joe Alexander
    Discussion: Joe Alexander asked about the retention ponds and how many properties we actually own. He says Longs pond actually owns both retention ponds even though Jane Sufka found different information on the Lexington County web site.
    Motion made by:  
    Motion second by:  
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    Agenda item: Income and number of homes / minutes
    Presenter: Joe Alexander
    Discussion: Joe asked if the number of homes in the minutes was correct with the actual number of homes. He pointed out where he thought there were discrepancies in the minutes versus the actual numbers of homes. Joe asked if the board knew how much money was coming in and going out. The issues Joe Alexander and Steve Acuff brought forth were tabled for discussion later in the meeting so the meeting could move on to the vacant lot committee.
    Motion made by:  
    Motion second by:  
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  • Person responsible:  
    Agenda item: Vacant lot presentation
    Presenter: Tina Turnage
    Discussion: Poll that was sent out was reviewed. The majority wanted a playground and then a picnic shelter. Tina mentioned the commercial playground equipment vendors that were contacted. Creative Outdoor design was the choice that was made. The decision to go with a play structure instead of individual pieces was discussed and how we arrived at that choice. Tina talked about the structure that was chosen and what colors were being considered. The total cost for Phase 1 would be $14,950. The costs to extend the fence and add shrubs was presented. There grand total for phase 1 was $18,151. Phase two would include the picnic shelter. Phase 3 and 4 would include additions to the playground structure. What the picnic shelter would look like was described by Randall Mungo. Tina discussed we pursued what the majority of the community expressed interest in. Homeowners asked about the cost of the insurance going up would be and would there be any maintenance costs. Security was mentioned and kids possibly vandalizing the structures. Joe asked if phase 2 and 3 were definite. Tina mentioned that phase one was the only phase that was the most concrete with actual costs. Joe also asked for clarification on the phases and what period of time would these all be done in. Jane mentioned we were only voting on Phase 1 of the project. Lindsey mentioned we did not have enough people for a quorum so we would take questions and see what the majority of people thought. Speed bumps was mentioned again and Randall Mungo responded about it being a county road. Fencing around the entire structure was mentioned to protect children. Another homeowner mentioned the noise level might increase. Bob Handley asked what benefit would a playground have for older people. A homeowner asked about the previous survey and if that survey was just to gather information or if it was to decide what items would be pursued. Lindsey mentioned that the people that respond are the ones that. Lindsey passed to Jane to discuss the dues and if they would go up. Jane reviewed the amount of money that was in the account and the current bills that were paid. Jane talked about the balance that would be left if we paid for Phase 1. Jane mentioned the other phases would have to come out of those years budget. Jane gave some estimates on what might be involved in future years for the other phases. Steve Acuff asked how can we have an idea of how much money we would have left. Jane said we do know how much money we have based on the records she has. Steve continued to talk about the budget and how he thought we were over budgeted. Jane continued to discuss the budget and the income for the HoA with Steve acuff and Joe Alexander. Lindsey passed out a ballot so people could express if they wanted us to pursue the vacant lot or not.
    Motion made by:  
    Motion second by:  
    Conclusions: Ballots were passed out so people could express their interest.
    Action items:
  • Person responsible:  
    Agenda item: Results of the ballot
    Presenter: Lindsey Sturkie
    Discussion: The results of the ballot where read aloud 11 yes votes 15 no votes 6 voted other - garden area, walking trail, shrubs, landscaping and a pool. Insurance policy was mentioned by Joe Alexander and if the amount of coverage was correct for $350. More discussion was had about if enough information. Patrick Hedgepath mentioned that he was tired of hearing about the vacant lot entirely. Another homeowner asked if it would be possible for the meetings to be held more closely to roberts rules of order. The homeowner mentioned that an agenda would be nice for each meeting. Lindsey mentioned there would be an effort on the BoD part to present the HoA with a an agenda and to try to have more control over the meeting. Lindsey asked if he would volunteer to help run meetings by the Roberts Rules of Order. Lindsey mentioned we would get with him about it.
    Motion made by:  
    Motion second by:  
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  • Person responsible:  
    Agenda item: Landscape Lighting
    Presenter: Lindsey Sturkie
    Discussion: Patrick Hedgepath discussed the lighting. Betty Fortin asked about the hill at the entrance and if anything could be done about it. Marvin Parsons asked a possible 4 way stop being put in. He also asked about not needing as much lighting right at the entrance. A show of hands was asked for for more additional lighting. The overwhelming majority wanted additional landscaping and lighting.
    Motion made by:  
    Motion second by:  
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  • Person responsible:  
    Agenda item: Traffic questions
    Presenter: Randall Mungo
    Discussion: Randall Mungo presented the reasons the state does the things they do as far as traffic goes and the major reason for this is the states budget. Marvin mentioned the times they visit and Randall said the state would be revisiting our intersection.
    Motion made by:  
    Motion second by:  
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    Agenda item: Lindsey Sturkie
    Presenter: Entrance Sign
    Discussion: Steve acuff mentioned he did not want a sign. He thought it would look tacky. The placement of the sign was mentioned and where it would be. A maintenance fee sign was mentioned. Going to look at subdivisions that are more expensive than ours is and seeing what they have in theirs would be a good lace to start. Lindsey Mentioned the Board had already looked at some neighborhoods for this kind. A show of hands was asked for. It was split between yes and no.
    Motion made by:  
    Motion second by:  
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    Agenda item: Meeting Adjourned
    Presenter: Lindsey Sturkie
    Motion made by: Lindsey Sturkie
    Motion second by: Patrick Hedgepath
    Conclusions: Meeting Adjourned
    Action items:
  • Person responsible:  